About Charmaine Cheryle

about charmiane cheryle
I am a Babaylan Practitioner High Priestess, Trance Medium, Reiki Master, Advanced Crystal Master and Teacher in Brooklyn NY, who channels Ancient Wisdom from my Indigenous Filipino Ancestors together with the healing energies from Source through Trance. Spirit, my Ancestors and my Guides work with me to shift, balance, release, and re-connect energy within an individual to promote emotional, mental, physical and spiritual healing. As an Evidential Medium, I am also able to bring through loved ones who have transitioned to provide their own unique support, encouragement and love. Spirit is highly intelligent and each session is led with the intention to provide exactly what you need in that moment to move forward in your life with a sense of clarity, calm and peace.


about charmiane cheryle

My Own Journey

It was through my own healing journey from Breast Cancer that I found how powerful and effective energy work and connecting with Spirit can be. Reiki and Crystal Healing were powerful tools I used to manage pain and facilitate the healing process through multiple surgeries, in combination with Western treatments and medication. After making it through, I felt as if a whole new world had opened up for me. I craved more knowledge and felt my Soul was leading me in a new direction. A new direction into Mediumship. Exploring the different forms of Mediumship have been life-altering, bringing me a profound sense of Self, healing on different levels, and knowing what my contribution will be here on this Earthly plane. After going through this process, I have found that healing in a Trance state allows Spirit to step in, while I step aside, to channel energies directly to the individual. The effects can be life changing, so long as individuals open their hearts and minds to the Higher Source.

This journey has also led me to investigate my lineage, as I am first generation American born and raised in Brooklyn NY, and a full Indigenous Tribal member (Cuyonon and Kagayanen tribes) from Palawan in the Philippines. Mediumship and Spirit have allowed me to connect with my Ancestors, and through many confirmations and validations, I discovered that I come from a very long line of Babaylans and Healers, going back thousands of years. Being a natural healer is literally in my DNA. I have been called to it. I didn’t create it or seek it out. It has awoken in me. My Ancestors, Spirit Team and I, have created a harmonious partnership, combining traditional and modern, as we continue to work hand-in-hand to be of service, from my hometown of Brooklyn.

Before you can touch the Spirit,
you must find it within yourself.
For all truth, for all knowledge and all love,
must be found first within oneself.


— Gordon Higginson